Tips to improve your Google advertising


Would you like to improve your current Google advertising strategy? Then you must read the article we made for you. Here, we’re going to show you different tips you can utilize to boost your Adwords advertising to have better performance and grow your business.

Ways to boost Google Ads

If you want to get ahead in search, then you’ll have to focus on driving the most efficient conversions and you can do so by optimizing several dimensions.

There are a few highly positive optimizations for Google advertising, which we’re going to discuss next up. 

However, there’s a lot more happening behind the scenes that people know, and you need to keep the following tips in mind if you want to be successful when it comes to improving your Google advertising:


Negative keywords

Many people consider negative keywords as something terrible for a business, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Let’s say you have broad match terms such as “best + shoes”, you’d be shocked to learn how much of the search volume is not that relevant to your business and how it drags down your campaign’s performance.

On the other hand, if your business only sells shoes for adult men then you’re going to be disappointed to see lots of your impressions are for women or kid’s shoes. Negative keywords will be beneficial for the following reasons:

  • You’re going to spend money on clicks that are not going to convert for you, like in the case of a person clicking on one of your ads looking for kids’ shoes just to find out that you don’t sell those products.
  • It will drag down the overall performance of your campaigns, and it could hurt the quality score.

Plus, there are three factors of quality score for better results, which are CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience.

In case you show up for an ad when you don’t have that product or service to match a customer’s requirement, they may not click or will quickly enter a different site, and both of these actions will definitely hurt your quality score.

We suggest going through your search query reports once or twice a month to find any negative keywords you need to include. On the other hand, if you haven’t updated your list of negative keywords in a while, doing so is going to give your campaign a much-needed boost in terms of money-saving as well as quality score improvements.


Ad rotation

A Google display advertising strategy must rely on ad rotation. Thankfully, Google and several other ad platforms offer tools to assist clients in the process of optimizing their creative strategies.

Your current ad groups might have one or two ads in there and likely, you haven’t updated these ads in a while. By updating your ad copy you’ll likely get better results, and switching to ad rotation could pay off even more in the long term.

An example of this could be, you have 2 ads in your ad group and each of them is getting 500 impressions monthly, but one of them is outperforming the second ad in clickthrough rate as well as conversion rate.

While you could turn off the ad that is not doing so well, this might be time-consuming, and this is where ad rotation’s optimization comes to the rescue. The setting provided by Google Ads lets Google automatically rotate between several ads to get to the optimal frequency for each ad.

Automated bidding

Another useful automation tool offered by Google is automated bidding. Google search advertising is going to be more effective if you figure out the right bids for each of your keywords. However, this process is not easy.

Fortuitously, you can implement automated bidding solutions, which are tools designed to make your life easier as well as your campaigns more profitable.

This tool allows you to optimize diverse goals depending on the outcome you are looking for. At the beginning, you can set the bids to increase web visits, boost impression share, and more.

If you opt for maximizing conversions or different metrics, make sure you have a proper budget in place so you don’t use more money than expected. To start, it may be easier to rely on Target CPA, or Target ROAS to be certain you’re going to obtain the results you want.


Rely on data-driven attribution

A lot of people begin with setting up conversion tracking using a last-click process, and this is a clever way to start. The further you get into paid search, the more you should start exploring other kinds of attribution procedures according to your business’ niche.

Let’s say your business sells high-priced items online such as gaming laptops, which means customers would likely do plenty of research before making up their minds.

You wouldn’t expect the first search to turn into a sale. The first search of a customer may be “best gaming laptops” and they might come across several sites including yours, but this doesn’t mean they are going to purchase a product.

After spending time online looking for gaming laptops and giving them some more thought, they might decide that what you offer is exactly what they’re looking for, and this will lead to a purchase on your website.

Additionally, in a last-click method, you might end up seeing your initial search ad as inefficient because it didn’t turn into a sale, but this could also be because the customer may have not encountered an ad of yours to be able to make a purchase.

This is the moment where a Google business advertising tool like Data-Driven attribution could make a significant difference

With this tool, you can see the contrast between a last-click methodology and Google’s data-driven procedure.


Lastly, you must start testing every option within Google paid advertising. If you test different things in your account, you’ll definitely start learning new things about your clientele including new ways to optimize paid search towards your account.

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